Keep Your Brand Exclusive By Protecting Your ASIN

July 31, 2017


Keep Your Brand Exclusive By Protecting Your ASIN

One of the benefits of using Amazon Marketplace is that it puts a barrier between your products and potential thieves. Someone can’t physically walk up to Amazon’s store and steal your product or money; however, there are those who have found a way to steal from Amazon sellers without having to physically be near the sellers or their goods. It’s called cyber-hijacking, and it can be as financially damaging as having a store robbed, if not more. While many have found success using Amazon to launch their brands or products, others have fell victim to the acts of profit thieves and cyber hijackers. While Amazon increases the opportunity to make money, it also now increases the opportunity to lose money if a seller’s product is manipulated.

How Cyber-Hijacking Works on Amazon

Every product listed on Amazon is assigned an Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN). Even if multiple products come from just one seller, each product is still assigned its own individual ASIN. Hijackers use a product’s ASIN to tap into profits that are supposed to go to the original seller. Once a product’s ASIN is compromised, it is very unlikely the original seller will continue to receive profits from a sale. Another method of theft involves using a product’s ASIN without the seller’s permission at a lower price. When this occurs, the original seller loses the One-Click Buy option. Losing this option usually translates to a massive loss in customer purchases.

Can Amazon Security Be Supplemented?

Brandlox, a security software that works specifically with Amazon-listed products, provides the necessary protection to prevent profit loss from hijackers and thieves. When an unauthorized seller tries to manipulate a product’s ASIN, the seller is immediately alerted to the threat. At this point, the seller can utilize Brandlox’s software to remove the unauthorized seller and prevent any future profit loss. If the seller continues to have issues with the cyber thief, Brandlox also has the resources to produce and distribute a legal Cease and Desist Order to prevent further infringement. Brandlox’s security software will not affect any third-party seller that has been authorized to use a product’s ASIN. Since the seller controls the list of who is authorized to use their product’s ASIN, the software can easily distinguish between those working for you and those working to steal from you.

Affordable Security

So the saying goes in business, “you have to spend money to make money.” Unfortunately, you also have to spend money to protect the money you have already made. With Brandlox, this additional expense doesn’t have to be a burden. Packages start as low as $29 that allow you to monitor up to 100 ASINs, receive immediate alerts to unauthorized use and identify unauthorized sellers. Bigger packages are available for those sellers who need to monitor up to 2,000 ASINs and use Brandlox’s legal resources. No matter what package you use, all allow you to test purchase an Amazon-listed product so you can see the payment path of the sell. Each package can be tried for 10 days without cost and can also be cancelled at any time without any additional penalties.

Begin With Brandlox

Despite the numerous threats on Amazon that can destroy your brand or product, you can safely use this online market place when you use Brandlox software. Amazon’s current product security is set up to where action is taken after a profit loss is noticed. With Brandlox, it doesn’t have to get to that point.

For more information on how to begin utilizing Brandlox services and packages today, e-mail any questions you may have. Live representatives are also available by calling 866-882-8484.

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