Protect Your Amazon Listings from Cyber Hijackers

July 31, 2017

Protect Your Amazon Listings from Cyber Hijackers

Hackers are everywhere. They’re even prowling around Amazon listings to find ways to snatch profits out of the hands of sellers by hijacking accounts. They do this by exploiting the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) that’s assigned to every product. This is why it’s so essential for anyone who sells high-priced products on Amazon or does a high volume of sales on the popular platform to protect their listings. Hackers usually have two motivations when they hack and exploit Amazon accounts.

1. One motivation is to relist items at lower prices and siphon   sales away from the victims of their schemes.

2. The other motivation is to actually change your bank account information and divert your payments from Amazon to their own accounts.

It’s important to have a plan for protection in place that addresses both issues, stops hackers before they can exploit your listings and takes steps to prevent hijackers from attempting their malicious deeds again in the future. Take a look at the three essential methods for protecting your Amazon listings against cyber hijackers.

Change Your Amazon Password Frequently

Sometimes the simplest advice is the best advice. The first line of defense for keeping your Amazon account safe is creating a strong password and changing your password with frequency. Be sure to change your password every few months or whenever you access your account using a public Internet connection.

Create a Separate Bank Account for Your Amazon Payments

Avoid using your personal bank account when you set up your Amazon seller account. It’s a good idea to set up a separate account for your Amazon business to protect your personal savings in the event that a hacker does access your account and reroute your funds. You can either open an account online or visit your local bank to get this done. You can open a new account and change the payment information in your seller profile on Amazon even if you’re already currently sending payments to your personal bank account.

Use Monitoring Software

While being vigilant about your listings is always essential, it’s usually not enough. It’s nearly impossible to fight the sophisticated, high-tech tactics of hijackers without some technology of your own. You really have to fight fire with fire when it comes to protecting your Amazon listings from cyber hijackers. Manually monitoring your listings and payments can take valuable time away from actually running and promoting your online business. What’s more, detection usually only takes place following a substantial loss of money. Having your account activity monitored by a third-party company with the technical capabilities to instantly detect fraudulent activity and send alerts can stop counterfeiting before losses occur.

Avoiding Losses With Brandlox

Brandlox is the software that Amazon sellers come to rely on once they discover how high the stakes are when it comes to cyber hijacking. This tool monitors ASIN numbers around the clock and sends alerts to sellers or brand owners at the first sign that an account has been compromised. This software is capable of distinguishing a legitimate third-party seller from a malicious seller. Users have the ability to list every seller account that is authorized to use a product’s ASIN. What’s more, multiple ASINs can be monitored on the same platform. In addition to providing alerts, Brandlox actually creates and sends legal notices to malicious sellers to legally protect the integrity of your brand.

Try out Brandlox and discover how easy it can be to protect your products from hijackers and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your listings are being monitored around the clock. You can speak with a customer service representative by calling 866-882-8484, or contacting us online right now.

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